Category: Risk Management

Discover the Evolution of Captive Insurance

Exploring the Expansion of Group Captive Insurance

Discover the Evolution of Captive Insurance as a Savvy Cost Savings and Enhanced Risk Management Strategy In the complex world of commercial insurance, a noticeable trend is gaining traction – group…

Let’s Be Blunt: Legal Changes Coming for Employment Practices & Marijuana Use

By: Alison Bender, Select Commercial Lines Account Executive Currently in CA, employers may “prohibit the illegal use of drugs and the use of alcohol at the workplace by all employees”. What about…

What Is Parametric Insurance?

Extreme weather events have made insurance companies leery of offering coverage in disaster-prone areas. But insurance is necessary, and businesses are paying more for fewer coverage options in many locations and industries….

Are You Prepared for a Random OSHA Inspection?

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) can justify coming to your place of business for many different reasons. One of those reasons is a random inspection. Random inspections are the least…

What Multifamily Property Owners Can Do To Ease Soaring Property Insurance Costs

By Bryan Murray, Technology Risk Advisor Multifamily property owners have faced unprecedented unpredictability in the last few years, and soaring insurance costs are making a challenging time even harder. In 2019, prior…

Business Income + Cyber Insurance: Cautionary Tales and Lessons Learned

How much revenue could your company afford to lose if one of your key vendor’s system goes down? How much revenue could your company afford to lose if your own systems failed? One month of…

Promoting a Culture of Worksite Safety

Summer months bring warm weather, travel plans, and a spike in serious injuries and fatalities, particularly in the trades, according to Dag Yemenu, executive vice president, products, at ISN Software Corp., an online…

The 11 Biggest Issues IT Faces Today

Each year we talk with tech leaders about the biggest problems they’ll face in the near future, and we’re starting to see some subtle and not-so-subtle shifts from the worries of 2018….

How to Handle Workplace Romances

Cupid may not be on your payroll, but the mythical love god may well be active in your organization. Office romances are surprisingly common. Over half of respondents to a survey said that…

Warning Signs (Leading Indicators) that an Incident or Injury is Coming

In the safety world, you often hear professionals talking about leading indicators for safety, essentially the warning signs that an incident or injury may be about to occur. Some of these safety…