Category: Property & Casualty

How To Read and Understand Your Auto Policy

If understanding your auto insurance policy is challenging, you’re not alone. Insurance is a contract, so it has a lot of legal language. But don’t let that scare you. Once you know…

There Is a Plan: Navigating California’s Home Insurance Reforms

There Is a Plan: Navigating California’s Home Insurance Reforms

California is taking significant steps to address the ongoing home insurance crisis, and while the newly introduced regulations are a move in the right direction, they come with challenges that will…

Why You Need Flood Insurance

Why You Need Flood Insurance

Do you ever wonder whether you should worry about flooding? The answer is yes. You don’t have to live in a coastal area to be affected by flooding. Anyone who owns…

Professional Liability Insurance: When To File a Claim and Why

Professional Liability Insurance: When To File a Claim and Why

Professional liability insurance covers your business against claims of negligence brought by your clients. Typically, these claims arise because of mistakes or a failure to perform your duties as promised (either…

Industrial Hygiene: Preventing Chemical Exposures

Chemical safety often focuses on proper storage and personal protective equipment (PPE). This information is important, but you should also be aware of the health implications of chemical exposures. What is…

How To Maintain a Safe and Productive Work Environment

How To Maintain a Safe and Productive Work Environment

How To Maintain a Safe and Productive Work Environment The safety and health of your employees are top priorities. Workplace injuries not only have an impact on your production, but they can…

Federal Cyber Mandates Affect Critical Infrastructure Reporting

Federal Cyber Mandates Affect Critical Infrastructure Reporting

Federal Cyber Mandates Affect Critical Infrastructure Reporting   The clock is ticking. At the start of 2025, many businesses will be required to follow new cybersecurity reporting requirements under the Cyber Incident Reporting…

Workers’ Compensation: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Claims

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health disorder often triggered by a terrifying event. A person can develop PTSD from either experiencing the event or witnessing it. PTSD without…

Adapting to Changing Insurance Terms: Essential Tips for Business Owners

Business Insurance Renewals Often Mean Changes to Terms people reviewing their business insurance policy.

Commercial insurance rates are increasing on nearly every line of coverage, thanks to a rise in the frequency and severity of claims. And business owners are noticing significant premium hikes at policy…

Cyber Bytes: Spotting Disinformation and Misinformation

Cyber Bytes: Spotting Disinformation and Misinformation

Disinformation and misinformation are different terms, even though they’re often used interchangeably. According to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA): Disinformation is false information spread deliberately to mislead or confuse enemies…