
Bender Insurance Solutions

516 Gibson Drive #240, Roseville, CA 95678

Roseville, CA, US, 95678

Learn how best-in-class companies have taken control of their insurance costs and built them into a profit center.

Who should attend?
Business Owners, CFO’s, Controllers and those involved in the insurance buying process

Join us and learn how to…

– Eliminate insurance market cycles and stabilize your workers’ comp, auto and libility premiums (lines of coverage are program specific)
– Reduce your claims costs through specialized claims management
– Opportunity to recoup your paid-in insurance premiums that were set aside for claims and not used during the policy year
– Earn interest income on your paid-in insurance premiums

Presented by:
Doug Hayden, Senior Vice President, Captive Resources, LLC

(4:30 PM – 5:30 PM Q & A and social hour)